
15+5 Most Expensive Cars of All Time (Updated in 2020)

15. Zenvo ST1 – $1.2 million




This ST1 is 15th on our list with a price of 1.2 million. This car is a beast when it runs on the road. It has a V8 super engine with a 6.8-liter turbocharged tank. This powerful engine can produce 1104 horsepower. This also has rear wheels of 1,054 lb-ft of torque.


14. Ferrari LaFerrari – $1.4 million




Though it looks like a dragon, it is not a real dragon! The weight of this car is just 2800 pounds. This car can speed up to 62 m.p.h in only 3 seconds and 124 m.p.h in less than seven seconds! This Ferrari car is a combination of styles and performance.

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