Hedy Lamarr
Hedy Lamarr is an exceptional name on this list. She introduced us to a new genre for the first time. But we will not say the genre. If you are curious to know, then google her name. Though her acting was impressive, she contributed more in another field. But her contributions were not recognized because of the misuse of patents by the U.S. military.
Lamarr wanted to do something for her country during WW2. So, she decided to invent a technology named frequency hopping. It is a technology that stops enemy vessels from interference with the torpedo control system. She then registered a patent too. But the patent did not work and expired. In the meantime, the U.S. Army took over all her researches and succeeded. But they gave no credit to her. Lamarr is not the only scientist that goes unrewarded. The U.S. Army seized many types of research of scientists over the years. But Hedy Lamarr will be remembered forever.