The Human body needs many vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. The best source to get those vitamins and minerals is food.
If you maintain a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, fiber, and some complete foods like egg and milk, perhaps you are getting everything you need. So, you do not need to worry.
But to be honest, only a few of us maintain a balanced diet. It is very hard to maintain a proper diet. Most of us occasionally eat booze, benders, and junk food. Many of us pass a full holiday just by eating egg nog or chocolates.
Think about how many days you have not eaten fruit. If you are planning to add vitamins to your food chart, you are in the right place! Here is a list of 10 vital vitamins.
1. Beta Carotene
Beta Carotene is a kind of antioxidant. When it enters our body, it converts to Vitamin A. Our body needs Vitamin A for healthy eyes, clear skin, and the immune system.
You can eat green peppers, sweet potatoes, and carrots to get Beta Carotene. Taking Beta Carotene too much can be dangerous too.
If you smoke regularly and take Beta Carotene excessively, you have a high risk of cancer and lung disease. Just for Vitamin A, There is no fixed RDA for Beta Carotene (2300 IU for women and 3000 IU for men). So, It is hard to select the proper supplement.
2. Calcium
Calcium prevents osteoporosis and maintains bone density. If you are an aged person, maybe you are receiving many spam emails warning you should take more Calcium lest your bones will be shattered to dust. Cheese, milk, yogurt, and other dairy foods are the best sources of Calcium.
You can eat canned sardines and kale if you do not like dairy. But It is not a better option. A calcium supplement can be the right solution. If you are 70+ women or you have kidney stones, you should take supplements lightly.
Take Calcium 500 mg per dose with Vitamin D.Vitamin D can improve absorption.